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Lauren's List

In today's times, expendable cash is not as readily available as it once was. Yet people still have needs and wants, problem is they can't afford to indulge. There is no reason to go without just because you don't have that extra cash to spend. The way our economy is going, who knows if or when any of us will have a healthy stash of expendable cash again. There are alot of people out there who are unemployed, but does that mean those people shouldn't have a decent quality of life, have some fun? NO! 

I have learned many things over the past three years but the three most important lessons are, (1) losing a child is the most gut wrenching event a parent can ever endure; and some don't and should never have to; (2) losing a job can be debilitating IF you let it, so don't let it; and (3) even out of the worst possible circumstances, something good will come.

Well, having endured losing Lauren in 2009, and becoming unemployed, I must admit I had moments where I really worried about how our family would survive. Shortly thereafter I lost my job, my husband lost his, and there we were, minus one child, minus two jobs, trying to survive and to raise our son. Not easy, by any means! After emerging from the foggy years of 2009-early 2012, once I could start thinking clearly again, I realized that Lauren's vision, in its entirety had to become a reality, so I founded The Lauren Edgerton Foundation, and now we're trying to build Lauren's Place.

Thinking about Lauren's vision even further, and trying my best to honor her legacy which was helping people, plain and simple. I realize that even though Lauren's Place will focus on helping kids between the ages of 13-18, we can take it one step further and help people of all ages, families, friends, anyone we can.  

So this brings us to Lauren's List. Lauren's List is a work in progress. It will be a place where you can Barter to attain items or services you need or want, but cannot afford to spend money on. We will use the word "barter" literally (verb - to trade by exchange of commodities or services rather than by the use of money).

So, please, submit your information below and let us know what you are looking for, and what you have to barter. Please be honest, keep it clean and don't try to rip anyone off, because all that will result in will bot to close down this service. I will begin compiling a list and matching needs/wants to services/commodities offered. Let's get this ball rolling quickly, because I know there are lots of people out there who could really benefit from this service. Together we can do this, we must do this for our community!

NOTE: All information submitted through the website is 100% confidential. It is emailed directly to the Foundation, and only board members are able to see it. We compile a list of needs, wants, services rendered and such and if there is a match, we'll contact the pertinent parties to inform them of the reciprocity, and coordinate an exchange. 

*All fields below below must be completed to initiate the Bartering process. Please write what you need or want, and what you can give back in the Comments box. Thank you!

First Name:

Last Name:




Address 1:

Address 2:





2012 Lauren Edgerton Foundation​, Inc. All Rights Reserved                   443.570.3973

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