Working together as a Community will help make Lauren's Place a reality! The companies below have made donations to the Foundation, all of which are greatly appreciated!
If your business would like to make a donation to the Lauren Edgerton Foundation, please click here to send a monetary donation, or click here to make arrangements for prize donations for our on-going raffles.
Aero Motors, Essex
Carrabba's Italian Grill, Overlea
Geresbeck's Food Market, Essex
Gulf Gas Station, Perry Hall
Hilton Garden Inn, Owings Mills
Jiffy Lube, Perry Hall
Maid Pro, Perry Hall
Outback Steakhouse, Perry Hall
Papa John's Pizza , Overlea
Retirement Quest, John Hauserman, CFP, helps you understand how to "Make Better Decisions" when thinking about how to fund your retirement years (even in this economy).
Sun Stoppers, Fullerton